Deutsche Bahn has been named best non-listed company in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for their extensive climate protection activities by the non-profit organisation CDP. CDP (previously Carbon Disclosure Project) awarded the transparency of DB’s 2013 climate reporting 99 out of a possible 100 points. DB’s climate protection achievements are given the best grade of A. This puts the company among the top performers internationally. CDP is one of the best known rating organisations in the field of sustainability; it rates the climate protection management of almost 2000 industrial companies. The award was presented during the CDP Climate Leadership Conference in Munich.
This result places DB among the 187 leading global companies listed by the CDP in the internationally recognized Climate Performance Leadership Index in their first year of participation. Dr. Karl-Friedrich Rausch, Chief Sustainability Officer at DB und Member of the Management Board for Transportation and Logistics: “This award gives us confirmation that we are on the right track with our climate protection activities. We want to offer our customers climate-friendly products and services. Millions of customers such as BahnCard holders and corporate Bahn customers are already travelling on our long-distance trains with 100% green electricity – CO2-free.
Climate protection has been a central topic since the 1994 railway reform and is now part of our group vision DB2020. DB wants to become an ecological pioneer and is continually increasing its energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy sources in the traction current mix. It has already achieved a share of 35.2 %. With the green products in the long-distance network, DB is also coming closer to achieving their climate protection goal of reducing global specific CO2 emissions by 20 percent between 2006 and 2020.